TWO Count them TWO more days until the start the start of this years St. Louis Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention : September 30 - October 2, 2011
The convention has moved back to Collinsville Illinois this year. I have not attended ARCHON in Collinsville, so does the mean I am a "VIRGIN" once again? So to get you started on the road to ARCHON 35, here is a repost of last year's fun and the pictures to go with it. So many Panels so little time! I can't possibly go to all of them! Angie Fox, M. R. Sellars, Sara Harvey... Camera, and Computer Don't fail me now!
Perceptions of Archon 34 from a "CON VIRGIN"
Yes, I was actually called a "CON VIRGIN" by someone who has been doing Archon in St. Louis for 30 years. But that was on Saturday. More on that later. ![]() Now for those of you who do not know who M. R. Sellars is, he is an active member of the HWA (Horror Writers Association). He is a relatively unassuming homebody who, in his own words, considers himself just a “guy with a lot of nightmares and a word processing program.” Legend has it, he started making up stories to entertain a stuffed bear during his single digit years, then began writing them down sometime around his early teens when the growing catologue of fiction started causing him to experience migraines. Although he had several short stories and newspaper articles published during his early adult life, it wasn’t until 2000 that his first full-length novel, Harm None: A Rowan Gant Investigation, hit bookstore shelves, officially launching the acclaimed paranormal thriller series about Rowan Gant a practicing Wiccan who consults with police on strange cases.. You can find out more about M. R. Sellars at or His series, has a total of ten books (of which I own all ten all signed by the author). Before I had to go to the day job, we went to find the author in his lair. We found him in the Geneva Room (situated in another building, about as far from the registration desk as one could get at Archon). We decided to stop in and say "Hi". We had met M. R. at a couple of other locations (book signings here in St. Louis-see reference to the ten signed books above). He remembered us. I asked him if I could take a "truth in advertising" photo so that people on Facebook would know he followed through with his blog promise to wear his "Castle" T-shirt. He said "yes" (see my Facebook profile, "D. Alexx Miller", for the photo), and we chatted for a few more minutes as two other authors came in for the writing seminars they were doing. By the way, his books are awesome. If you have not read them, you should. The second author we met that day was Monette Draper. She also writes under the names Monette Michaels and Rae Morgan. You can find out more about Monette at . After Monette obtained her law degree, she worked in a small general practice attempting, in her own way, to right wrongs and fight the good fight. Little did she realize that all those clients, opposing counsel and the problems she handled would jump start the need to write fiction. But after twenty years in law, she did just that -- started writing. First, romantic suspense, then adding paranormal, then adding a sexier side (as Rae Morgan). I found that she was a friendly person, and she let us take a picture with me as well. I got to know a little more about her on Saturday. The third author that I met that day was Sandy Lender. Fantasy enthusiasts will recognize Sandy Lender as the author of the breakout novel Choices Meant for Gods , and a leader of workshops on world-building and characterization. Her four-year degree in English and seventeen-year career in magazine publishing augment her book publishing experience for a variety of presentations. Find out more about Sandy at Sandy is a very nice person, and I learned some things from her on Saturday. So ended my Friday at Archon. It was a short day for me, but I made up for it on Saturday. I will write more on that later. PERCEPTIONS OF ARCHON 34 BY A “CON VIRGIN” PART 2Saturday at Archon was, to say the least, busy. It was also a hell of a lot of fun. There were, it seemed, at least ten times the number of people there, many of whom were in costume. Bruce and I got there a bit after the first panel discussions of the day started. Let me just state for the record, it is damn hard to decide what you are going to do at a convention like this. Why? Because so many interesting things start at the same time Like This... Balancing Writing With The Job That Pays The Bills You were born to write, but you just haven't sold that bestseller…yet! Haley Elizabeth Garwood, Joy Ward Humor in Speculative Fiction A wonder (sic) addition humor is to your story. Julia S. Mandala, Angie Fox Japanese Street Fashion Show Katrina & Mikhail Lynn Sagging Middles! Hitting the wall. Monette Draper Steampunk Adventure Theatre Presents: All's Wells That Ends Well Steampunk Adventure Theatre Presents A Preview Of Its Upcoming Shows And Offers A Chance To Encounter Some Of The Unusual And Exciting Characters From The Show. Dan McGee We (I) wanted to attend all of these things, but as you can see they all started at 10:00 AM. So We (I) chose Humor in Speculative Fiction. Part of the reason I chose this panel discussion is I love Angie Fox's books. If you aren't familiar with Angie Fox, she is the bestselling author of the Accidental Demon Slayer series. If you want to learn more about Angie, you can find her at
The next session was even harder to choose from. There were no fewer than six panels, shows or classes that we (I) wanted to attend. We (I) chose CHICKS DIG TIMELORDS A Doctor Who discussion of the 11th Doctor (for those of you who do not know, Matt Smith is the current actor who portrays Doctor Who). Discussion varied between who was the best doctor, best companion, etc. Also discussed was that Torchwood was returning, for more on this BCC (aka as “Bruce Miller”) told me that in 1984, he was at a convention here at the same hotel, and met my favorite Doctor Who, Tom Baker. After some minor research I found that Tom Baker was here during the weekend of March 30-April 1, 1984, for the NADWAS annual convention. BCC said that a crowd in the hotel was pushing forward as Tom Baker was coming out a door, and he got pushed into the corner with him and actually had a chance to shake his hand. For more information on Doctor Who, is the official website. Kevin J. Anderson was also in attendance. He was a Guest of Honor this year at Archon. Kevin ( and his equally talented wife Rebecca Moesta ( were both in the Dealers room when not doing panels. They were both charming and friendly. Author Rachel Neumeier was found in the second Dealers room. She was very friendly (are you detecting a theme yet?) and helpful even suggesting an author for my stepdaughter Rachael to read as well. For more information on Rachel Rachel also loves dogs, and her books have been added to my TBR List. After lunch I sat in on a writer’s workshop on Dialogue with M. R. Sellars (BCC had to run home to get something.) There were other authors in the room as well with their own discussions going on including: Selina Rosen, Monette Draper, Haley Elizabeth Garwood, and Rachel Neumeier. I wish I could have had a chance to listen to everything everyone had to say. There just was not enough time in the day. M. R. Talked about the importance of believable dialogue. He stressed that you need to write what you know. He also talked about consistency in voice unless there is a valid reason shown in the narrative. As a book reviewer, he made the importance of dialogue in a book clearer. He also stated though that there are other authors that would disagree on the distribution of dialogue versus narrative in a book. The next panel we attended was called THE HORROR OF LOVING A NON-HUMAN: IS IT TO BE DREADED, OR IS IT ALL COMSUMING? Monette Draper, and Kathryn Meyer Griffith . The final panel of the evening was THE EVOLUTION OF THE VAMPIRE: WHEN DID HE GO FROM MONSTER TO ROMEO? Panelists were Angie Fox and Kathryn Meyer Griffith. This really was an interesting subject. Some said that the vampire has always been sexy. Others said that no way was that true if you look at the portrayal of Dracula by Bela Lugosi. There is no way that was sexy. So then the question became why are women so attracted to the tortured soul type that is in Paranormal romance novels? Some said the Alpha male qualities in the characters, because today women do not want to be seen as weak, yet in the books they can become the character who is taken care of and protected. Someone else suggested that it was the fact that they do come across as tortured souls, and that they bring out the nurturing qualities we as women have. The hotel was wonderful and roomy though BCC said an alternate name could have been Aerobicon due to the amount of walking involved in getting from one place to another. Archon Staff was great. There was always someone around to answer questions, and/or point you in the right direction. Keep up the good work. I can't wait till next year. |